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#ShareYourStory: Sarah
Sarah, 34, has an Ileostomy. This came a while after being diagnosed with severe Ulcerative Colitis and being hospitalised, and she was 6 weeks pregnant at the time.
After trying almost every medication, Sarah finally felt as normal as she could, taking Infliximab.
Eventually, her third trimester hit and she could no longer stay on this medication. A few months after her healthy and happy birth, the dreaded symptoms returned. 8 weeks passed and Sarah was finally back on Infliximab, after Humira did nothing for her, which eventually got her feeling okay again.
Unfortunately, the symptoms worsened just 5 days before herself and her family moved to Malaysia, where her treatment continued. Over a rough few months of sickness and countless trips to the toilet – Sarah’s immune system was wrecked and her medication became less and less effective.
Sad to say, they had to give up their dream of living abroad and move back home to look at treatment options.
Sarah discovered she was borderline toxic megacolon and the only way forward was a permanent ileostomy.
It is great to hear that within 3 months of Sarah’s stoma surgery, she was doing workouts (not abdominal focused), indoor cycling and yoga.
If you are unsure about beginning exercising again after stoma surgery – speak to your stoma care nurse. We also offer additional advice on this here.
Lifesaving surgery
For Sarah, her stoma surgery has been life-saving. Having gone from suffering to having the ability to do more than she could do for years has really given Sarah a new lease of life.
Of course, she admits that some days are harder than others and having a stoma comes with mental challenges too – issues such as self-identity and self-image.
If you are also struggling with similar issues – here, we can offer advice on the emotional challenges that come with having a stoma as well as body image.
Stoma care products & Confidence BE®
Stoma products have brought normality back to life for Sarah, and she finds them pretty easy to use to manage her stoma and skin.
Sarah is a big fan of our Confidence BE® range. She likes the fact that they’re easy to use, flexible and stay on - as well as being available in 3 different colours!
Advice to other Ostomates
We love Sarah’s mantra! …
“Embrace the days you can be fearless to get you through the days you can't. Not every day is easy, especially with a stoma. But you are strong, bold and gorgeous - embrace the days you feel this way!”
Thanks to Sarah for sharing her story with us!
If you are interested in sharing your story with us, please get in contact here.