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Confidence BE® #BEyourselfie: Tom
Retail assistant, Tom, was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease aged 21 and had his ileostomy surgery five years later after other medications stopped working.
“My stoma changed life for the better”
After his initial diagnosis, Tom was given a variety of medications, steroids and antibiotics and had many smaller surgeries until finally having his large intestine removed. He has always loved exercise of all kinds, especially being outdoors, so having his stoma has definitely changed his life for the better. While he was unwell, Tom felt like he couldn’t commit to anything or anyone and was constantly having to cancel plans. Now, with a stoma, he can do all the things he loves, give attention to the people close to him and eat anything he likes!
“Being able to exercise has done wonders for my mental health”
Since his surgery, Tom has rediscovered his love for running and is competing in a number of marathons and ultra-marathons this year. He’s also learning to climb, surf and plans to go hiking near his home in Scotland - where he lives with his parents. Being able to exercise has done wonders for Tom’s mental and physical health. His life is now so positive and he is much more comfortable living with a stoma, resulting in much higher self-esteem. Tom is finally able to see social plans through and is preparing to study for his Physiotherapy Masters.
How Confidence BE® helps Tom...
Tom wears Confidence BE® drainable in black which he likes because it’s small, discreet and reliable as well as not looking too clinical.
I am by far the most social that I have been for years! I can commit to plans, eat and drink with my friends and be present in their company. This wouldn’t be possible with a bag that I felt was overly visible and that I was constantly selfconscious of. I have very little anxiety about my bag leaking or causing a smell due to the filter. I also have no problems with how my bag looks. I like to wear the black bag and even went swimming on New Year’s Day with all my friends and didn’t think twice about people seeing my bag.
We would like to say a big thank you to Tom for sharing his Confidence BE® story with us.
Haven’t tried Confidence BE® yet? Request a sample
If you are interested in sharing your story too, please get in contact here.
Watch a few ostomates talk about their journey with Confidence BE®...
*This blog post is for informative purposes only. The views and opinions expressed are those of Tom, the Confidence BE® user, and are in no way influenced by Salts Healthcare.*