In conversation: Beth & Jack
Whilst playing table tennis and Pacman, Jack, a retired Production Manager in the automotive industry, and Salts’ Engineering Apprentice Beth, talk about how their lives are entwined.
Keep an eye on our news feed, where we’ll publish everything that’s happening in the world of Salts Healthcare.
Whilst playing table tennis and Pacman, Jack, a retired Production Manager in the automotive industry, and Salts’ Engineering Apprentice Beth, talk about how their lives are entwined.
Living with a stoma can be challenging, especially so when you're young and figuring out who you are, so it's good to know you are not alone. Find out more about Amy's story here!
Train company worker, Michelle, talks to Marketing’s Ander Cairo about the Medilink® home delivery and dispensing service, and how her life, after several operations, is still full steam ahead.
Experienced Stoma Care Nurse, Gill Wilson, was in awe of Medilink® customer, Caroline travelled on a train to Birmingham to chat about her journey, looking the figure of health.
Six-year-old patient, Max, with his Mum, Nikki, and Confidence BE® Team Leader at Salts Healthcare, Ieva, chat to find out how the products that Salts Healthcare creates help people like Max.
We are delighted to have hosted the Bottoms Up! study day to share knowledge about the patient journey through colorectal cancer diagnosis to improve patient care across the country.
Salts Healthcare are excited to announce the introduction of our brand new podcast about living with a stoma "Me, My Bag and I'
When she first had her stoma, Gemma struggled to accept it. Hear about how Confidence BE® Soft Convex has helped her regain her confidence and accept her life after the operation...
As a successful business manager, 59-year-old Ian was used to jetting all over the world. In 2008, Ian was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Here he talks about getting used to life with a stoma...
Hairdresser Tina had been suffering from Crohn’s disease for years when one day at work she started experiencing excruciating pain which would change her life forever...
Confidence BE® was launched in November 2017, a year on we asked people using Confidence BE® to tell us what you think about the new bags.
After constant leaks with her previous bags, the arrival of Confidence BE® gave 31-year-old blogger, Natalie Gardner, something to write home about.
Super-fit construction worker, Paul Henry, was in the prime of his life when Crohn’s Disease struck and started a succession of health problems.
In order to celebrate World Ostomy Day, we created a campaign calling out to all Ostomates to send in a video of themselves talking about life with a stoma.
Brian Graham; 82, keen cyclist, recent cancer sufferer and new wearer of Confidence BE® has just, at the young age of 82, cycled from London to Paris in four days to raise money.
From Sunday 9th to Tuesday 11th September 2018, Salts Healthcare attended the annual ASCN conference.
When Salts Healthcare first heard about The Disabled and Helpless Children’s New Life Centre, Nepal (DHC) we instantly wanted to help this great cause.
I felt really special to be asked to be part of the focus groups... to be invited to put my thoughts forward and be asked what I wanted was so nice.
James Whitford – Geophysicist, mountain-biker and adventurer. This 45-year-old from Staffordshire is always organising his next challenge.
In our latest series, we’re sharing patients meeting with staff from Salts Healthcare to discuss Confidence BE®. We now share our next story with you.