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#ShareYourStory: Jessica
Jessica is only 6 years old and has a colostomy – this is a result of her idiopathic constipation.
Jessica’s journey since surgery
Although being sore and upset after surgery, having her mummy and buttony bear beside her allowed Jessica to remain strong.
As many people do, Jessica gave her stoma a name. ‘Apple’ has changed her life and is no longer in constant pain. Jessica loves having a better quality of life.
This courageous little girl hasn’t let her colostomy stop her from doing anything. In fact, she has gripped onto this as an opportunity to support and help other children who may be going through a similar experience so that they don’t feel alone. It is amazing to see such a young ostomate want to do so much good.
Product experience
Jessica uses Salts Confidence BE® Mini Bags and says she’s never had any problems.
A piece of advice from Jessica
“I am 5 years old and I don’t let my stoma get me down. Talking to people about it can help you come to terms with having a stoma – I spoke to my Mum and Dad before and after my operation. I’m not ashamed of my colostomy because it has given me a better quality of life.
Love your body like I love mine. A stoma doesn’t stop you from doing the activities you love – I still go swimming and I still roll on my tummy.
I am now trying to help other people by sharing my journey on Facebook as well as raising awareness for children – they have stomas too.”
We would like to say a big Thank You to Jessica for sharing her story with us.
If you are interested in sharing your story with us, please get in contact here.