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Hunter on Physical Well-Being
Hunter is one of our Salts advocates, he is 9 years old and lives with a stoma. Prior to his surgery, Hunter was not able to go to school or spend time with his friends like most of the boys his age. His energy levels varied, and confidence had dropped. Since using Confidence BE®, Hunter is now able to take part in the activities he loves; football, running, swimming and tennis.
Here’s what Hunter has to say on physical wellbeing:
What does being physical mean to you?
Being physical means a lot to me, it makes me feel really happy and joyful. I can play with my friends and be part of my football team. Without all the clubs I do, I would feel sad and have more time to over think things.
How do you feel before, during and after you’ve played sports?
Before I do anything, I can feel all slouchy but once I’m doing sports, I feel really energetic and motivated. When I’m playing football, I feel like I’m really working out and I definitely feel better when I’ve done something active. I have energy to burn!
Before your stoma, how did taking part in sports feel for you?
I couldn’t run fast or go swimming. When I played football, I had leaks and was worried I would smell. My tummy was really big and uncomfortable so all I could do was jog.
I’m not in pain now, so I can push myself more than before.
What sports do you enjoy?
I love football, swimming, and tennis. I like football the most, I’m in a football team now and also play for my school team. I’m also in a running club which I love. My friends don’t know about my stoma bag or even notice it, which I really like.
Has having your stoma made being more physical easier for you?
Definitely. Before I had my stoma I wasn’t as fit as I am now. I’m the fittest ever! Before I couldn’t even kick a ball, now I can kick it really far! When I go swimming, I wear an all-in-one swimming costume, no one knows, and I can swim without having to worry. Now I’ve got my stoma I’ve got more chance of being a professional footballer!
What do you think about your Confidence BE® bags?
I really really like wearing Confidence BE®. They are thin, the texture feels nice, and they are comfy. I learnt how to change my bag by myself because it’s so easy. I like that they match my clothes – I really want a red bag to match my favourite football team, Arsenal! I also don’t have to worry that I might leak or smell when I’m with my friends.
Mum, what does it mean to you to see Hunter like this?
I didn’t want Hunter to get his stoma, I went back and forth thinking that there must be another option, but I can honestly say
He’s in the best place and it’s all because of Confidence BE®.
He wouldn’t be half as happy and full of energy, and he’s now the fittest he’s ever been! Hunter is so resilient, but no child wants to feel how he did at school before his stoma. When Hunter receives other bags to try, he doesn’t even want them out the drawer – we just trust Confidence BE®
We’d like to thank Hunter for sharing this and raising awareness about just how impactful positive physical wellbeing can have on your life. Do you have a wellbeing journey to share? Email us at on marketing.comms@salts.co.uk