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Amy and Ben: The Young Ones
Living with a stoma can be challenging so it’s good to know you are not alone.
In this episode we have the privilege of hearing Amy and Ben’s heart-felt, and quite often entertaining, stories which may resonate with our younger listeners and people in the wider ostomy community.
The early days…
27 year old Amy lives with an ileostomy and was one of the youngest people in the UK to be diagnosed with IBD at the age of 7 and this certainly had a huge impact on her life, from primary school to moving into halls of residence at university.
Amy tells us what life was like growing up with Crohn’s disease and how her life changed when she had surgery at 19 resulting in her stoma, who she fondly refers to as Stacey.
‘I always felt different to my friends…even things like running around the playground… I would get really bad stomach ache.’
And now…
The podcast follows her transition from paediatric care into adult care, to building new loving relationships, and starting her blog to document her experiences and share words of advice to fellow Ostomates.
Amy’s philosophy is...
‘You own your bag, it doesn’t own you.’
And we couldn’t agree more!
You can listen to the full podcast below:
Alternatively, you can listen to this podcast episode by searching for 'Me, My Bag and I' on your preferred podcast platform.