Green Promise
We’re committed to giving back to others, protecting the environment and supporting our people.
The Green Promise was implemented in February 2012 and certification to ISO 14001:2004 was gained in September 2012 following a successful SGS audit. This new Environmental Management System (EMS) demonstrates our commitment to managing and minimising our environmental impact, and to protecting environment.
Download and view our Green Promise Policy.
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 provides us with a systematic approach to EMS and gives a framework to monitor and constantly improve our environmental performance to ensure protection of environment.
For more information on our certification click on the SGS logo.
Our Carbon Footprint
One way that we minimise our environmental impact is to monitor and reduce the energy consumption and carbon emission within all our company sites.
In cooperation with Carbon Footprint Ltd, our carbon footprint is monitored and calculated yearly to analyse overall usage, and to plan improvement activities.
Since 2012, we have recorded a constant reduction in the carbon emission at almost every site. Reduction has been possible thanks to improvement initiatives taken, especially through the installation of energy efficient lighting. This is an ongoing process, and due to the future investment in LED lighting system we are expecting a reduction in energy consumption throughout the next year.
Carbon emission has been reduced from 4.34 tonnes per employee in 2012 to 1.71 in 2019.
To read about our Carbon Reduction Plan, click here
Waste Management
Waste management is another important way in which we strive to protect the environment.
Waste that is produced through manufacturing processes is included into the recycling procedures to ensure that wasted materials are segregated, recycled or turned into fuel.
Our recycling process is constantly improving across all Salts Healthcare sites.
Continuous Improvement
The Green Promise has been successful at Salts Healthcare thanks to our committed team dedicated to environmental performance.
We achieve it through the systematic Green Promise training, and by providing information across our business to increase environmental awareness.
Year after year we successfully complete third party environmental audits and keep our Green Promise system at the high level.
Over the years of developing the Environmental Management System, we are proud to say that the Green Promise system is fully embedded in the business and has become a part of our company culture.